Introducing Strain NFT: An NFT Hack experiment into DeFi staked yield generating NFT collectables that are customisable, upgradable & breedable.

Strain NFT
6 min readOct 3, 2020

The Protocol

Strain NFT is the latest development on the NFT x DeFi frontier, and the next logical extension of liquidity mining. We believe the wider applications of our underlying mechanism to be truly game-changing. The general theme is that you help to secure and support the network by providing liquidity to our Uniswap pool, then having collected your UNI-V2 LP tokens, you hop over to our native platform and lock them up to begin the precise process of engineering your debut Strain NFT.

The Protocol

We will be releasing in-depth (😉 get it?) pool details closer to platform launch.

The NFTs

Strain NFTs are characterised, rare marijuana strains living, breeding, and generating yield right here on the Ethereum blockstrain, *cough*, blockchain. You can name, collect, breed, and sell your DeFi staked ERC-1155s whilst earning rewards, voting in the StrainSuperDAO, upgrading your Strain and compounding your gains.

The Yield

Buzz’ (or, potency) is a Strain attribute intended entirely as a live measurement of the Total Value Staked to power your NFT. This is upgradeable over time, as you compound your gains, and is a direct indicator of the yield/rewards your Strain will generate. Higher Buzz = More Yield, and vice versa.

Compound Your Gains 😊

Strain Biology

There are 3 ‘Vibez’ (or, classes) that exist within the Strain metaverse:




Naturally, ♻️Hybrid Strains exist as a result of breeding.

There are 8 base ‘Terpz’ (effective genes) that exist within the Strain metaverse:









These attributes (Buzz aside, which is just a Total Value Staked indicator) are determined randomly having created your Strain, after staking some UNI-V2 LP tokens. Each Strain on creation has a genetic profile moulded by 2 Vibez (1 dominant, 1 recessive), 3 R1 and 3 R2 Terpz.

So essentially, each Strain has 8 different influential genetic blocks that are randomly filled on creation. Each profile is sequence sensitive, so where each Terpz or Vibez lands in relation to the others is important and results in a different visual output. This means that there are more potential Strain profiles, than there are planets in the actual Universe.

We are working hard to deliver a detailed update on the perceived rarity of specific attributes, and this will be available soon.


Everything in the Strain metaverse, from governance to exchange between community members, is powered by our primary utility token: $STRN🧬. We have adulterated the Yam codebase to suit the needs of the metaverse, and forked the daily distribution and governance modules of Compound, again implementing need based updates.

Everyday the platform is live, 2420 $STRN🧬 tokens will be distributed between the rewards pool (90%) and the treasury (10%). The total supply is 10,000,000 $STRN🧬, meaning that it would take in excess of 10 years to max out.

Total Supply Distribution

20% of the total supply will be airdropped to the community following continued rigorous testing and an external audit. This will foreshadow our ultimate platform launch at the end of the Untitled NFT Hackathon. The airdrop will be distributed between Discord members (85%), the treasury (10%), and the bounty pool (5%). It’s important to remember that following the airdrop, daily $STRN🧬 distribution will be paused until the platform launch. In order to take part in the airdrop, you will need to be a member of our Discord server.

Be sure to join here so that you don’t miss out:

Our goal is that the treasury will never, in any circumstance, equate to more than 10% of circulating supply. These funds will immediately be multi-sig, and the subject of our governance module following eventual platform launch.

An example of how we intend to leverage the bounty pool in the interest of the community is the second airdrop that will be distributed to early liquidity providers for the $STRN🧬/ETH pair on Uniswap. A snapshot will be taken prior to platform launch that rewards all LPs with an equal cut of the second airdrop. It will not be weighted, as we value all efforts to secure the network equally. However, we are considering criteria in terms of time in the pool, so as to avoid bad actors cheating the system whilst contributing very little. We are also considering developing a select few ‘super-fertilizer’ tokens that will be included in and randomly allocated to recipients of the second airdrop. A breeding action between your Strain, and a super-fertilizer token would result in a guaranteed ultra-rare Terpz profile. This is the only time throughout the lifespan of the metaverse that something of this nature would exist, and it is intended as a bestowment of the highest honour.

Airdrop Distribution

A Parting Note

It’s important that you follow the team on Twitter and join our Discord to stay up to date with the latest developments and collect your portion of the airdrop. Also, at this stage, as an NFT Hack project, the team is in continued search of additional industry experts who feel like they can add value to an experiment of this nature and is receiving contributions, art and suggestions from the community.

Serious team applications are best directed to, and community contributions are best made in our Discord server.

You are also encouraged to check out our website: which will become the eventual home of the native platform for powering, upgrading and breeding your NFTs.

You can find our website here:


Aavegotchi- We intend to build on Aavegotchi’s advancements in the NFT x DeFi space; especially on the concept of DeFi staked, interest yielding NFTs.

Yam Finance- We built on the Yam codebase to suit our primary utility token; $STRN🧬. We removed things like rebasing, & made vast total supply updates.

Compound- We adopted the COMP governance module. Also, we adopted a similar supply & distribution module for $STRN🧬, fine tuned to specific platform needs.

Axie Infinity- Our team includes passionate members of the Axie ecosystem. Axie Infinity is a major source of inspiration for this project.

Plus many more. It really would be impossible for us to list every astute project that has made a positive impact on us over the years that we have been involved in our respective spaces. Instead, if you have built, contributed, collected, existed within the NFT, DeFi, Ethereum, Crypto community in recent years: consider this project dedicated to you, feel obliged to pitch in.




Strain NFT

NFT Hack experiment into yield generating NFTs, powered by staked UNI-V2 LP tokens. $STRN utility token.